Jeremy Balfour MSP - Midlothian Survey

Jeremy Balfour MSP is one of your local members of the Scottish Parliament.

As always, Jeremy is keen to hear the views of residents living in Midlothian and about the issues which matter most to them.

Please complete the survey below. 

Jeremy Balfour Midlothian Survey

  • Current Your details
Thinking about your weekly and monthly outgoings, which bills are going up most for you?
Have you had any difficulty accessing a GP appointment in the last year?
Many local residents are unable to access local dental services. Are you registered with a dentist?
What are your top priorities for the country? Please pick up to three options.
What are your top priorities for Midlothian? Please pick up to three options
What best reflects your view on the future of Scotland?
Thinking ahead to the next election how do you think you will vote?
On a scale of 0 to 10 please rate my performance as one of your Members of the Scottish Parliament

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Jeremy Balfour MSP - Midlothian Survey

Jeremy Balfour MSP is one of your local members of the Scottish Parliament. As always, Jeremy is keen to hear the views of residents living in Midlothian and about the issues which matter most to them. Please complete the survey below.