In recent weeks officials here in Midlothian, inspired by the Scottish Government’s new policy of ’Spaces for People’ decided to seek consultation over the temporary closure of Roslin Glen. Their aim is for this crucial artery to be used solely for walkers and cyclists. However, the consultation was limited to only a single week, and Councillors were only informed of the potential temporary closure on social media and had been given no prior notice.

As a result, the Conservative & Unionist group of Midlothian Councillors wholeheartedly support the efforts of local citizens all across the county, particularly in Midlothian West, to stop this proposal and keep Roslin Glen open. Our communities depend on this critical road for access to services like GP surgeries, dental practices and post offices.

This proposed closure would not only cause our rural communities to be isolated from key services in the local towns but will also cause increased problems to already high levels of congestion affecting thousands of residents who depend on our road network every single day.

Councillor Pauline Winchester commented, “The lack of consultation on this proposal is shocking. The amount of potential chaos this closure could cause doesn’t bear thinking about. The only positive from all of this is the absolutely astounding level of public expression of views, and I want to place on record my thanks to all the 3,300+ people who have signed the petition and written emails. I would also like to thank Jamie Graham for spearheading this effort. We must work together to protect our local communities”.

Please help send a message to Midlothian Council and keep Roslin Glen open.

Sign the petition here:

Crucial thoroughfares such as Roslin Glen are essential, not just to our rural areas but to the entire county and they must remain open. Please keep an eye on our website and our social media channels for future developments including the continuing endeavours of our Council Group Leader and Provost of Midlothian Peter Smaill and Midlothian South Councillor Kieran Munro as they battle with decision to keep the Crawlees Road open, whilst providing an alternative route for cyclists and walkers.

Pauline Winchester is the Scottish Conservative and Unionist Councillor for Midlothian West, representing the communities of Rosewell, Roslin, Loanhead, Bilston, Mauricewood, Glencorse, Milton Bridge and Auchendinny. Contact Cllr Winchester here: